Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How Sweet It Is...

When you’re out there over-tired and over-traveled and sick of everyone asking you “I printed off the interventions and sent them to the teacher and she says she doesn’t have time to have the kids sit on the floor and point to a dime or a penny and I don’t have time for that either so what should I do??” and suddenly you happen upon a little oasis of love and happiness…

For me today it was an Elementary School in Clark County, and it was this teacher and her ‘ Club’. She has worked so hard to make all these kids feel special and excited about using the exercises- one cute redhead actually turned around when I said I where I worked and said “You work for them? Then let me introduce myself!!” Julie says he talks about the program all day every day. Sweet- yes??

These kids, and this teacher totally made my day, and I had to share them with you all on our new blogging fun page! Take heart weary travelers, we really are making a difference!!

1 comment:

Sheila B! said...

CUTE! I love this....but how do I get "in" to post my own in lieu of commenting? Thanks for including me, Team! What fun!