Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sorry Everybody!

I wasn't even thinking when I wrote the name of our product in the blog that it could be found by googling, and I totally apologize, and have made the changes that needed to be made. I hope that we can still keep sharing fun stories and ideas, and again, am sorry that this got brought to the attention of marketing, etc because of the words used.

Talk to you all soon- be careful out there- it's snowy and icy!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

At The Bakery: Slow Processing or A Sequencing Problem

This is too good not to post here....a friend sent me the photo below and the explanation:

Preparing for a going away party, an Arkansas business manger called the local Wal-Mart bakery to order the cake with the inscription: "Best Wishes, Suzanne" Then underneath that "We will miss you."

The final product is below!

Regards, Pat